The beginning of year four was a mixed bag of emotions. For the first time, I finally felt like I was starting to find my 'groove'- that I was getting a handle on this whole home schooling thing. But as excited as I was for all the new curriculum that I had for the coming year, as fall approached my dread about the new year increased. I literally did NOT want to start the year. I was starting to freak out about how much work I was going to have to get through and figured that there was NO way I was ever going to manage it. Somehow, though, I managed to finally convince myself to start opening books and get a handle on what I was supposed to be doing with the kids and how it was going to happen. And you know what, for a few weeks, it did happen. Then things started to wane (see my earlier post about that here ). Anyway, our school year consisted of a virtual trip around the world- and it was great. The kids really enjoyed our 'together time' as we read all o...
A blog about me, my life, my memories and all the lessons I hope to learn the first time around.