I got to have a nice long visit with a friend today. We've only known each other for just over a year, but in some ways it seems like a lifetime. We are so similar in so many ways it's almost scary- our husbands even have similar occupations (professional drivers)! Once of the many things that I appreciate most about her is that we can be real with each other. On recent visits we have joked that we're such good friends that we no longer feel the need to clean our houses before the other arrives (you know the cleaning I'm talking about- the 'I've got to impress' kind of clean as opposed to this is life kind of clean). But deeper than how clean we try to get our houses, we can be real about life. How our days are going, frustrations with home schooling or children or whatever. Thankfully though, we don't leave it there. We know that the other person will pray for us in those situations and challenge us to make it better by remembering to keep bringin...
A blog about me, my life, my memories and all the lessons I hope to learn the first time around.