This week got away from me. I had intended on doing a Mother's Day blog. Really, I even have two different drafts going at the moment (that probably have enough ideas for six different posts).
However, the more I thought about them, the less they seemed to work in my mind. So I did nothing.
Oh my, how often is that the case with life. We'd rather err on the side of doing nothing than risk failing at something. Or is it that we already feel like we're failing at so many things, that we just don't want to risk bombing out at yet another thing in our lives? So we wait. And do nothing.
But where does that get us?
I think if we're honest with ourselves, that's not where we want to be. Prov. 29:18a says that "Where there is no vision, the people perish." And when we do nothing, when we risk nothing, it's because we either can't see the vision or we've lost sight of the vision.
Either way, is sucks!
Then, we usually complain that things are the way they are.
Life will never be perfect. We will never be perfect. There will likely never be the right time to do this or that. And there will be many more failures in each of our futures.
Do those thoughts depress you? I hope not- because they mean that you're alive. You're living, daring, trying- being.
You're chasing the vision. We won't always have 20/20 vision to get it right the first time, but if we press on- even in the mess of it all, we will reach the final goal and be rewarded with the prize (Phil. 3:13-14).
As you face today, with all it's mess and confusion- take a few moments and just ask God to adjust your eyes so that the vision He has for your life will become that much clearer. And then, pursue it with reckless abandon for His glory!

Puddle jumping for the first time! |
Keeping it real, by the grace of God...
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